Saturday, July 11, 2020

Democracy and Republic


I'm sure you've either had this debate or at the very least have listened to someone's explanation of the type of government we have.

In America we understand that the economic principle known as Capitalism is how we operate within our Free Enterprise system.
In other we conduct business.

There is more involved than conducting business even though some Capitalists believe all rules and regulations should exist in order to benefit Capitalism or to enhance the single most important element of Capitalism.......the profit margin.

Creating laws and establishing social order is done within the confines of being a

from Oxford English Dictionary

Republic...  "a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives"
Democracy... "a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives"

And then to help complicate matters and definitions we have a

Democratic Republic
 defined by Wikipedia
"is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy.  Rather than being a cross between two entirely separate systems, Democratic Republics may function on principles shared by both republics and democracies.

Now...before we go any further simply go back and reread the definitions.

Maybe this is why we can't seem to agree on how to fix things

We can't even agree on the type of system we operate

It's quite obvious that 
Democratic Republic
makes the most sense, doesn't it?

Just so you feel involved in this topic please go and do your own reading

Democratic Republic  (click here)

I've raised this topic because I listen to people define other people with terms
that I'm pretty sure they don't understand.

The upcoming election is going to have a plethora of misunderstandings and the problem will be that those who don't understand how propaganda and intentionally misdirected expressions operate will simply compound the problem of truth seeking.

Our main goal in modern politics should be attempting to establish truth

Establishing truth in politics might be the ultimate
illusionary quagmire
(and I hate admitting this)
just might be

Listening to a Democrat and a Republican talk about Donald Trump is a prime example.

How is it possible that Republicans don't see what Democrats see when viewing the behavioral patterns of the 45th President? 

And how is it possible that Democrats don't see the horrible job that, according to Republicans, our 44th President did?

Comparing the intelligence of the those two Presidents shouldn't be a debate...but it is.....and frankly it blows my mind. 

Simply compare speeches and conversation should be over....
it's not and in fact it gets rather heated rather quickly 
when discussing intelligence.

Maybe we should stop trying to locate truth 

There is intelligent life on this planet, is there not?

Or is it simply
Democratic intelligence?
Republican intelligence?

or after everything is said and done

Democratic Republic idiocy?

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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