Tuesday, May 5, 2020

2020 just keeps making the record books

This year was suppose to be an Olympic year, a Presidential election to dethrone the TV host guy year, the Dodgers winning the World Series year and YET it is just becoming a year that NO ONE is going to WANT to remember.

And then on top of everything going on this arrives...


Watching the video is like watching those dead assholes on GOT that just won't stop....except THIS IS REAL.

Will anybody in the White House show DTJ this story?

It is another thing that has come from Asia so maybe Donny will pick up his nine iron and start bashing it's brains out.

I sure hope somebody locates the predator of this bee murdering nasty looking insect and gives it a free reign to wage war.

I've never liked hornets and this brand is the Hitler of insects.

One thing for certain....under Donald J. Trump the EPA will not get involved......and in truth they are suppose to do everything in their power to protect the environment.

THIS IS A MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE....at a time when all eyes are dealing with Covid-19.

Should I start another conspiracy theory?

A virus and hornet are created in the same lab and released 6 months apart.....
virus wipes out certain segments of the population and the hornet helps decimate the food chain.

No baseball, no Olympics, no college basketball and probably football, no NFL, no summer concerts 
 we get to listen to 
a guy running for President
tell us why
the greatest President

Maybe a group of killer hornets will show up during a golf outing 

and a certain
will be mistaken for a giant BEE.

2020 is proving once again that

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