Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Demo debates and crime rates

There seems to be a debate, before the actual debates, about a crime bill championed by Joe Biden in 1994 and whether or not it has been good or bad.

Crime in US

Focus on the numbers from 1993 to 2017

All major categories have declined except for one.


One of the interesting parts of the 1994 legislation included 
The Violence Against Women Act

As I stop and contemplate this information I'm pretty sure that having President "Twit" in the White House isn't going to help those numbers reverse.

This stat is alarming in so many many ways......


Tonight and tomorrow night the 20 people running to be the  Democratic  Presidential candidate in the 2020 election, against THAT GUY, will debate in Miami. 

I recall when in 2016 there were 12 GOP candidates in their first debate and the guy with the orange hair was regarded as a publicity stunt.  That guy started calling people names and while most of us giggled and laughed.....62 million saw THEIR HERO.

Therefore it is possible that one of the lesser known names might rise up and have to be counted but it seems that
have the name recognition factor well in hand.

And after typing that last line I've decided to propose a Presidential ticket of
Joe Biden 
Elizabeth Warren and 
Bernie Sanders 
CO-Vice Presidents.....a new CVP position in the government.

Think how much more a VP could get done if there were two of them.

All it takes is a great idea and a slight change to the Constitution.

How hard could that be?

Ok...maybe I'm getting silly but the debates are starting and the excitement is mounting.

 I hope 40 million people tune in and watch...but realistically this is June and the election is 17 months away so 25 million will probably be the number.

The real question is how many Trump supporters will tune in?

I put that number at


And that might be high.

Now before I close....please explain why FORCIBLE RAPE is the only crime on the increase in America over the last 35 years?

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