Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Landed on Mars but we can't feed our children in need?

I like the fact the human species safety landed a craft on Mars after traveling 33 million miles.
The statistics regarding children that both are homeless, and or go to bed every night hungry, are staggering.

I expect you to research the numbers and see if you don't agree that those statistics are

I'm not sure you believe me if I simply posted the numbers.

I live in Santa Monica, California in case you were wondering.

Everyday when I walk two blocks to get the morning paper I see the same man coming out of the market with multiple baskets FULL of bakery goods ranging from bread to pies and everything in between.
These items are being given to certain groups that hopefully feed the people in need

Nothing over three days can be sold so it's donated.

This only applies to baked goods.

The amount of produce that is discarded is also

Is the word staggering starting to grab your attention yet?

Food being wasted in Los Angeles County and children going hungry.
Nationwide the same scenario is taking place.
World wide it is beyond staggering if you read the UN reports.

But the United States of America should not have staggering statistics when it comes to children being hungry.

Do you think our President knows the statistics regarding children that go to bed hungry?

The young adults that work in the Promenade in Santa Monica 
trying to raise funds to feed hungry children 
don't seem sincere....and I'm not sure why.

So much money is given to charities to fight this kind of problem and yet

The attention given to people from third world countries, trying to enter the United States, is the main priority of our current administration.

I simply wish the number one priority was making sure that no child went to bed hungry.

Seems like a natural and logical wish.

Landing on Mars seems pretty cool.
Allowing children to go hungry is so not cool

Call the White House and let them know...and don't tell me you don't know the number!

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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