Thursday, November 29, 2018

Fake news

I'm trying to remember the first time I heard the expression FAKE NEWS and since one should give credit where credit is due I'm fairly certain our esteemed leader used it during the campaign of 2016.

OF COURSE there is a history lesson here and it's up to you to do the research.

Fake News

So as you've probably learned by now the term fake news has other names such as propaganda and yellow journalism.

Modern channels of communication have created an entirely new brand of fake news.

Of course for a long period of time in our country there was only print media and unless one made flyers, information was only available through a newspaper....and of course letter writing but that was probably confined to personal matters.

And if you stop and think about it....from 1776 to 1910


Books and pamphlets were printed but if anyone wanted actual news  during those years they had to read a newspaper or listen to someone who talked to someone who talked to someone.  By the time the story moved along the information highway of people talking to people the facts generally became something entirely different.

Newsreels appeared in 1910 which could be viewed if one went to movie theaters.

Created in 1911 by Charles Pathé, this form of film was a staple of the typical North AmericanBritish, and Commonwealthcountries (especially CanadaAustralia, and New Zealand), and throughout European cinema programming schedule from the silent era until the 1960s when television news broadcasting completely supplanted its role. The National Film and Sound Archive in Australia holds the Cinesound Movietone Australian Newsreel Collection, a comprehensive collection of 4,000 newsreel films and documentaries representing news stories covering all major events.

The advent of radio in 1920 opened up an entirely new avenue with which to create fake news

Today the amount of channels for creating information, whether it be true or false, appear to be infinite.

Ok........maybe infinite is a blatant exaggeration very much in line with today's topic but I'm sure you get the point.

Now what you do with that point is either ignore it or expand upon it and perhaps just alter it a little bit here and there until it fits your brand of information storage.

Trump does get credit for making the term fake

During and after his presidential campaign and election, Donald Trump popularized the term "fake news" when he used it to describe the negative press coverage of himself.[14][15] In part as a result of Trump's use of the term, the term has come under increasing criticism, and in October 2018 the British government decided that it will no longer use the term because it is "a poorly-defined and misleading term that conflates a variety of false information, from genuine error through to foreign interference in democratic processes."[16]

I salute the British for stepping up and trying to reduce the use of the term but then again the Brits are usually a few steps ahead when it come to civility.  The Canadians and Brits really do have the manners thing down pat.

What is now required of anyone who wishes to be informed is RESEARCH, RESEARCH and more RESEARCH.

If you listen or watch one source you are not informed.

and I shall repeat this very important message.




It seems we have a tremendous amount of voters in this country who only listen to one source or perhaps don't listen to any source and only watch game shows on television.

Am I feeding you a line of bull or do you actually think I might be right?

I'm not sure how else one would explain that 50 million people still regard our current administration as a viable answer to the betterment of America.

His administration's viewpoint on Climate Change and how they are altering and eliminating the Clean Air and Clean Water initiatives put in place over the last 20 years
reason enough to 
(see ya later are the first three words and I'm sure you can figure out the other two)

And in conclusion I give credit to Donald J. Trump for making the term Fake News relevant in today's media frenzy world.

I remember the old adage......"it takes one to know one" 

No one knows fake news better than Mr. Fake News himself.

He is the Master of the genre.

But his policies are detrimental to the health of Americans
fake's sad news.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Landed on Mars but we can't feed our children in need?

I like the fact the human species safety landed a craft on Mars after traveling 33 million miles.
The statistics regarding children that both are homeless, and or go to bed every night hungry, are staggering.

I expect you to research the numbers and see if you don't agree that those statistics are

I'm not sure you believe me if I simply posted the numbers.

I live in Santa Monica, California in case you were wondering.

Everyday when I walk two blocks to get the morning paper I see the same man coming out of the market with multiple baskets FULL of bakery goods ranging from bread to pies and everything in between.
These items are being given to certain groups that hopefully feed the people in need

Nothing over three days can be sold so it's donated.

This only applies to baked goods.

The amount of produce that is discarded is also

Is the word staggering starting to grab your attention yet?

Food being wasted in Los Angeles County and children going hungry.
Nationwide the same scenario is taking place.
World wide it is beyond staggering if you read the UN reports.

But the United States of America should not have staggering statistics when it comes to children being hungry.

Do you think our President knows the statistics regarding children that go to bed hungry?

The young adults that work in the Promenade in Santa Monica 
trying to raise funds to feed hungry children 
don't seem sincere....and I'm not sure why.

So much money is given to charities to fight this kind of problem and yet

The attention given to people from third world countries, trying to enter the United States, is the main priority of our current administration.

I simply wish the number one priority was making sure that no child went to bed hungry.

Seems like a natural and logical wish.

Landing on Mars seems pretty cool.
Allowing children to go hungry is so not cool

Call the White House and let them know...and don't tell me you don't know the number!

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Just a simple observation

I think that this Thanksgiving has special meaning because it's the first time we've actually had a real turkey living in the White House.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Just finished watching the press conference with President "Biff" and besides the actual answers to assorted questions the one thing that stood out was the HOSTILITY.

Has there ever been a more hostile President?

Even Tricky Dick when he was under fire always seemed in control.

This man in the White House just starts name calling the minute someone asks a question that he doesn't like.

The leader of the most powerful country on this planet, simply put asshole.

The only news team he answers, without a snide remark, is Fox.

the real truth of yesterday's election is that "Biff" made a difference in those rallies he attended for the important Senate races

I am continually amazed that a large number of American citizens really like HIS personality and I've come to the simple conclusion that the reason is based on one fact.....

....THEY and HE have similar personalities.

I'm quite pleased that the House of Representatives got flipped back to the Democrats.

I'm extremely excited that Beto O'Rourke gave Ted Cruz a scare....and introduced himself to the national political stage.  I'm fairly sure that we haven't heard the last of Beto, and the fact is this might have been his opening salvo for 2012.

As for the Senate races that didn't go well toward letting "Biff" think twice about his run for 2020...all I can say is WTF?

Also this morning I had to hear Mitch McConnell warn the Democrats in the House not to spend time pounding on our President.

Every time Mitch speaks I get a large pain that runs right down my spine and lodges in my butt....and it stays there and constantly reminds me of what politicians shouldn't be like.....and then I recall that he keeps getting elected over and over and over and once more I realize that the people electing him must be just like him.

What does that say for the fine state of Kentucky?

How does a guy like that appeal to ANYBODY?

I get the "Biff" Trump attraction because he is a TV celebrity and people really like fake tans and orange bleached air (even though it's usually reserved for the female gender) and ski goggle eyes, but Mitch is so unappealing that I actually get worried that people in his home state just vote for him because he looks sickly.

Please also note that a man who leads the Senate has 4.4 million people in his state.   We have more people living on Wiltshire Blvd. than his entire state....and he's in charge of speaking for the United States Senate.

The following two facts speak volumes for our current political system:

The President of the United States received 3 million less votes than his opponent
The Speaker of the House has 4 million people in his state.

THESE TWO PEOPLE SPEAK FOR AMERICA on all issues large and small. 

We need a voice that can explain the current insanity sweeping this country.

Reclaiming the House of Representatives is the first step forward.

It's time for the second and third steps.


Michael Timothy McAlevey

Thursday, November 1, 2018