Thursday, February 1, 2018

And then came the actual facts

I'll give President "Biff" kudos on a few things from the State of the Union speech.

His hair wasn't orange.
He seemed subdued.
His tie wasn't overtly long.
He didn't talk for two hours.

As for some of his "strange" comments I'd like to start with the "clean coal" statement.


I think back to when Ronnie removed the solar panels from the White House that Jimmy had installed in 1977.  Simply telling the fossil fuel and coal people that they had the upper hand.
Now 40 years later "Biff" announces that affordable solar panels from importers will be assessed a tariff that should even the playing field for US manufacturers.  In truth he's telling oil and coal people that once again they have the upper hand....and that no matter how much renewable energy has advanced he will do everything in his power to slow down the process.

I'm thinking that he can do whatever he wants but nothing is going to halt  the intelligent increase of renewable energy sources.  I'm also fairly certain that within a year or two when the renewable energy numbers continue to increase....he will take full credit and somehow spin the entire story so that he and Scott Pruitt of the decimated EPA will be heroes.

I know that sounds silly but so far he has taken credit for every single thing that was already happening to our economy,

Study the flow charts from 2008 regarding unemployment and stock market numbers and note that, as I've said many times before, the recovery from 2008 meltdown doesn't have an actual set time frame and that it could take 6 or 8 or 12 years.  It's been 10 years and of course the recovery started when that other guy was in the White House.

Once again he keeps talking about our resurgent military and once more I say look at the numbers.

Count our military airplanes, aircraft carriers and submarines compared to rest of the world

Look at the money we spend on our military budget compared to everyone else combined.

This discrepancy in numbers existed long before "Biff" entered office.

There has never been a stronger military in the world and even as China tries to play catch up and Russian tries to revamp...they are light years behind both technology and machinery.

I suggest that if you want the actual facts regarding his speech that you do the research.

Of course I like Bernie's web page but that can't be a surprise.

And one more thing...don't try to point out that the Democrats didn't stand up for many of his statements,  Perhaps you can recall when the entire GOP side of the aisle sat on their thumbs for all of Barry's speeches.

That's just the game they play....and when you think about's not really a very nice game.

Facts and political speeches generally have very little in common.

Good luck sorting out the truth.

The fun part is doing the research and trying to figure out if any elected official is actually
an honest and right thinking human being.

It seems pretty obvious that the guy at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave is neither but then again he is not a politician.....he's just a celebrity.

And that my friends is an actual fact.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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