Monday, October 17, 2016

Time to get serious

This is the period, following the last debate, that Donald said he was excited about "the gloves finally being removed" and "now he could really say what he's been wanting to say."


What negativity could he possible utter that he hasn't already expressed?

And then a few days ago he said Hillary should be drug tested.  Wasn't it just 3 weeks ago that people were asking if he was snorting coke because of all the sniffles?

His repeated verbiage about the election being rigged is quite interesting because not only is the national left wing media, and the FBI part of the conspiracy but now the GOP turncoats, that are moving away from him, have joined the rigging process along with a very long list of other riggers.

I think the Supreme Court needs to be involved to rig an election....hum, wait a sec......2000 Florida recount that was halted and Al Gore was denied the Presidency after receiving 400,000 more votes.....
I guess we've already seen a unique case of manipulating the electoral process.

Now that's truly professional rigging!

Ever day he says something that just baffles the mind.

On Saturday HE said, while talking about one of the latest women to come forward regarding his behavior, "She sure won't be my first choice."  And is he honestly that stupid to tell America that if she had been better looking she might have been his first choice to physically advance on her without her permission?

His egotism is off the charts and while I believe that anyone who enters politics usually has a healthy ego....there's truly something different about this case.

It seems he just likes to stand in front of crowds and that content and substance don't really matter....and if you say enough bad things about everything, including America, then there will always be a certain number of people who will follow you to the edge of the cliff.

I'm not going to use the word deplorable....but uninformed is not off limits.  I'm guessing that maybe 10 percent of his people can name the three branches of the government.  My friend Tom thinks it's probably more like 5%.

If Donald Trump wins Pennsylvania  I'll be totally shocked because that state has always possessed abundant quantities of common sense.  But I will admit that common sense doesn't seem to be a requirement of the current situation.

The hostile environment created by these two people is truly epic and yes Hillary still has questions to answer regarding the Clinton Foundation and it's involvement with foreign dignitaries while she was Secretary of State (which seems much more important than any e-mail scenario) when you compare that to the Trump persona the only good thing one can say about him is that he's rich....and as you've noticed over the years rich doesn't always relate to honorable behavior. I've seen pictures and video's of his living quarters and it's hard to tell the difference between his dwellings and some wacky middle eastern oil rich monarch.

I think it's really time to get serious and start talking to those people who you know are in the Trump camp.  Ask them important questions about how our government works....and then if they are over the age of 35 ask them who they've voted for in the past.  If they've never voted before than this vote is for a TV dude who they saw on the boob tube every Sunday for 10 years..... and they think know him personally because he fired Gary Busey.

It's always important to remember.........things could get really bad if someone without political experience suddenly has the reigns of the most powerful and successful country that has ever existed in civilization.

WE ARE THE GREATEST COUNTRY.....and we don't need some two-bit huckster trying to convince else otherwise.

I can already hear the bs coming out of his mouth after he loses the election.........and he'll probably have a new show called...."Watch Donald run for President."   There is a massive amount of content and all he needs is one hotshot editor....and then he might have his own station and just loop it 24/7.

The Trump Family Hour......will crush the Kardashians, The Housewifes of Beverly Hills and any other mindless reality show currently running.  And that's ok because all one will have to change the channel.

I keep pointing the remote at my cable box but he just won't go away.

November 8 can't get here soon enough.

I'm exhausted and there's still one more debate......omg!

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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