Friday, August 5, 2016

Sidestep the Presidential race for a sec and think about this.....

In November there will 17 measures on the California ballot.

I would suggest getting a head start on reading about them because there never seems to be enough time when you pick up the ballot the night before you vote in order to find out where your polling place is.

17 has to be some kind of record but I'm not sure so instead of doing the research I'm just leaving it up to you....which probably means you will pick up your smart phone and ask Siri....and by now you have the answer.

By the way, odd piece of trivia......the day after Siri went live, Steve Jobs died.

The smart phone revolution has indeed allowed people to access information that before they just ignored.  So the end result is that people now know a lot of things they don't really care about....but gives them the ability to extend a conversation.  Some people, and everybody knows more than one, simply ignore the conversation and drift off into SPH (smart phone hell) and get lost and sometimes
don't actually return to the physical exchange taking place right next to them.




IT IS WHAT IT IS!  DEAL WITH IT!  And they usually say that in a text message.

Does instant access to information result in the general population being smarter?
The simple fact that Donald Trump could receive about 48 million votes is an indication that more information doesn't necessarily result in higher IQ's.
And yes that was a smart ass remark...but extremely on point.

Ballot measure 64 is the third shot for legalization of Pot......and last week one of the Kennedy clan came out and said he was putting 2 million into defeating the measure.  He was holding a gin and tonic in one hand and a Bud light in the other.

The alcohol lobby will probably add another 50 million to the anti-64 cause.

I'm not sure the Tobacco guys will complain because they must be planning to grow pot the second it's approved.  My guess is that they are already cultivating because of Colorado, Washington and Oregon....and besides they will probably be spending millions to fight Prop 56 which is a tax increase on ciggies.

It appears that 64 will pass this time because the tax revenue generated seems to large to ignore.

Our Gov, Jerry Brown, hasn't voiced his opinion yet....and since his previous nickname was "Moonbeam" I assume he's in the yes column but since he was Jesuit trained there is always the guilt factor to be considered.  Catholic guilt can rear it's ugly head on almost every social issue.

Prop 63 will bring out the big bucks from the NRA and every person who interprets the 2nd Amendment in a way that allows bat shit crazy people to own a firearm.  I realize that not everyone who owns a gun is bat shit crazy but when the not bat shit crazy people defend EVERYONE'S RIGHT TO OWN A GUN.....I WONDER.

By the way our next Governor, Gavin Newsom, introduced Prop 63. you contemplate the two most unpopular people who have ever run for President...please consider reading the extensive ballot measures well before the night before you vote.

And then there is the list of Judges that are on every ballot....and you choose someone because you like their name.  Those Judges might be the most important people on the ballots and no one knows anything about them except for some lawyers and some criminals....and their immediate family and friends.

Once again here's the it if you dare.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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