Monday, April 18, 2016

A rare movie and literary discussion based on adaptation.

I left the Rooseveltsolutionism article up a bit longer because I regarded it as slightly more important than most of my political observations.  The "odd" unfolding of this Presidential race will peak during summer as both conventions take place and I foresee some unprecedented developments but in the meantime.....I would like to discuss books and  movies and  it starts with a question.

I fully realize that  greatest is very subjective word..... but deal with it.

There should be an award show every 20 years just to see how the public's viewpoint changes on this topic.

One of the main prerequisites for GREATEST, and there are numerous parameters, is that there will be NO REMAKE.  Not in 10 years, not in 20 years, not in 50 years and not in 200 years.

So many film adaptations from a literary source are always subject to someone thinking they could do better or something was over looked or someone different could have played a key character.

So basically......character driven novels/films would not be eligible.

That particular prerequisite eliminates any work by  Shakespeare,  Williams,   Hemingway,  Fitzgerald, Melville, Stevenson, Cooper, London or Stephen King.  So many versions and so many possibilities of interpretation, depending on who preforms the work, that remakes are guaranteed.

Keep in mind that some people think The Shining could win that award but even though Jack was wonderful, there were too many eliminations from the book and within a few years it will be remade. The only reason it hasn't been done yet is because of Jack's performance.  Leaving those hedge animals out of the film was a huge Kubrick mistake.

Without you having any idea of how I participate in the Time/Space conundrum I just took a break and called a few friends to get a small sampling of what the prerequisites and parameters might be in establishing how the winner would be chosen and quickly realized that opinions on this matter have already been the subject at numerous dinner parties and other social gatherings.

Number one rule in voting....MUST HAVE READ THE BOOK and SEEN THE MOVIE.


FANTASY (which includes science fiction)
with a separate subcategory for animation and comic book creations. 
with REALITY BASED having it's own subcategories of fiction and an example, the first nomination my friend Dr. Francis J. Conlan said was.....TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.  A fictional story based on a very real situation.  His main basis of opinion is centered on the fact that no one could play the role of Atticus Finch better than Gregory Peck.

I think that is a character driven story and someday someone will remake that film in color with a different actor and whereas it might not be as good there is a strong possibility that it could be done.

The NO REMAKING  rule eliminates character based stories and thus To Kill a Mockingbird must be eliminated....or placed in a special category.


The next friend I called, Dermot Stoker, whose family linage dates back to Bram Stoker, immediately said he knew the two movies.  Lawrence of Arabia and Out of Africa.

I guess there should be another rule......


I'm not the biggest fan of L of A and O of A but I guess I understand the sentiment.  Of the two books that spawned those films I would wager large parcels of land, if I had any, on you or anyone else reading this piece to know who the author was on Out of Africa....or what was the title of the book by Mr. Lawrence?

I think Out of Africa could be remade because Meryl Streep and Robert Redford are replaceable by Ryan Goosling and Marion Cotillard.......or ? and ?  

Lawrence of Arabia might be harder just because Peter O'Toole actually looked like the real Lawrence...according to another friend Thomas J. Sullivan.

By the way...the author of Out of Africa.........Baroness Karen von Bixen-Finecke......and T.E. Lawrence's book was called The Seven Pillars of Wisdom.


I'M JUST TRYING TO ESTABLISH ELIGIBILITY.....and am quickly learning to understand the problem the Academy has when organizing the Oscars.

There are also many films, not from literature, that shouldn't be remade, but probably will be....but of course that's another show.

I'm going to now place in nomination a film in the Fantasy category that I guarantee will never ever ever be remade.

ACTUALLY IT IS 6 FILMS but it's one story....and it starts with..."In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit".........

The Hobbit (3 films) and
Lord of the Rings(3 films) will never be remade because there is no way to improve on the production and nothing was left out of the books...and if you read those works by Mr. Tolkien then you fully know what I'm saying.

I realize that there are many people who don't read fiction, which basically eliminates almost every blockbuster movie ever made from their enjoyment portfolio.  I wonder  if people who don't read fiction even go to the movies?  Probably spend any spare time digesting the History Channel and PBS. A person who doesn't read fiction, but goes to the movies and watches TV most likely thinks Ken Burns is the greatest filmmaker in history......and oddly enough....they might be right.

Other nominations
Movies that will never be remade.


Harry that there's theme parks...Harry has become the new Mickey.
Shoeless Joe.....title changed to Field of Dreams for movie interpretation. Perfect movie.
The Godfather don't really believe there's a Mafia, do you?
Dr. Zhivago.......oh yeah....someone who looks like Julie Christe lives in Siberia
Shindler's List....a German who was helping the Jews.....seriously?  And did anyone read Keneally's book except for Speilberg?
Wizard of Oz..................variations don't count......nice try Michael Jackson.

GONE WITH THE WIND......maybe could be redone by someone who really wants to show the worst time period in American history.  I mean 600,00 Americans lost their lives and Rhett says...."Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn."

AVATAR.......That book sold really well on the planet Zicron and Cameron announced the other day that five more sequels are coming.

LITTLE MERMAID............20 years ago USA did a nationwide survey and 30% of the people said the actress who played the Little Mermaid was their favorite actress.  (True story)

And on that note I'm going to sign off and get back to the political arena.....I'll work on the category breakdown and determine what year the award show will be introduced.

In the mean time....would love your nomination.....or click the waste of time box below.

Movies from Books that will never be remade.


Michael Timothy McAlevey

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