Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Should have replaced Jon Stewart



I've previously written about the time I saw Steve Martin in 1974 at The Boarding House in SF.  250 people in the small room.  Went back 3 or 4 nights in row taking different people to witness the experience.

I called everybody I knew who had a phone and a few people that didn't need a phone to communicate....(remember it was 1974 and we had different channels open at the time).

I obviously was not surprised when Steve became a giant in the industry.

I don't usually use MIND JAZZ to promote other people but this woman deserves a much wider audience.

Four sentences in a row starting with I means narcissism is quite present.....I think.

She should have replaced Jon Stewart on Comedy Central.

Francesa Fiorentini is soon to be an household name.....unless she gets banished to Branson, Mo.

After watching a few of her pieces......imagine her in Branson and then imagine the riots.

Being truthful, informed and funny at the same time can result in super high reception and super ugly rejection.

(I realize most of her videos are from 2011 to 2014 and that she does current Twitter post but I have to assume she's taken some time off for important personal things)

Once she starts making new videos I think it's going to be very interesting to watch her progress.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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