Friday, February 27, 2015

First article I wrote about Dark Energy.. 2006

(Mind Jazz B4 I started Mind Jazz)


Page 25 of today’s LA TIMES has this headline……

Dark Energy dates back to young days of universe

Sub heading reads

The finding gives astronomers an important new clue to how gravity works.

Those might seem like important topics but when I consider that probably only 200,000 people in Los Angeles will read this article, then the importance gets diminished…..well maybe not diminished…. but the reception is truly limited.

SIDE-BAR ON NUMBERS…..circulation of Times is a little over 1 million….of those
readers… guess is that 300,000 only read the Sports Section…..another 100,000 only read the Business section…..and 250,000 only read the Calendar section.

Nationwide, the figure probably jumps to 2 million…….who might read this article.
So there are 2 million people today that are asking a few simple questions…
what the hell is DARK ENERGY? And don’t we know what causes gravity to work?
Out of the 2 million people there might be 20,000 who know what DARK ENERGY is….and out of those 20,000 there might be 2000 who understand the true concept.

First let’s focus on DARK ENERGY and what it is….or what it wants us to think it is…..or what it might turn into……or what it used to be……
Let’s agree on one principle…..the speculative nature of what DARK ENERGY is….should be a rather large portion of our discussion.

A short definition of DARK ENERGY says it is “the enigmatic force that is causing the universe to expand.”
ENIGMATIC FORCE…..whoa….hold it right there.

Time for definition…..

Enigmatic….of or like an enigma; perplexing; baffling….

which now means we need to define

Enigma…n pl, -mas …to speak in riddles. 1. a perplexing, usually ambiguous, statement; riddle
2.a perplexing, baffling, or seemingly inexplicable matter, person, etc. SYN. See

I realize that I am not a scientist......nor am I an astronomer…..but I do somewhat understand the English language and when I see the word enigmatic being used to describe DARK ENERGY then immediately I have to ask……

(And who actually
got to name it?) after all….a mystery is a mystery…..

Even the impeccably intelligent Albert Einstein backed off this issue because there was no concrete evidence….or mathematical proof.

I have a strange feeling that sometime in the relatively near future…..which could mean anytime within the next 5000 years…..someone is going to discover a separate quark environment that will result in DARK ENERGY becoming NOT SO DARK ENERGY
And then someone else will come along and reveal that they have discovered that DARK ENERGY is really LIGHT ENERGY….with tiny slivers of darkness.

Which I believe.... pretty much describes the human species.

I believe that DARK ENERGY is alive and living within the hearts and souls of human beings who could improve the living situations for millions….but who refuse for various reasons.

DARK ENERGY is the refusal to feed the starving masses around the planet
DARK ENERGY is the refusal to supply up to date HIV & AIDS medication to the millions who are suffering around the planet.
DARK ENERGY is the behavior of the warlords in DUFAR.
DARK ENERGY is the behavior of anyone who arranges that a bomb be detonated in the presence of civilians…anywhere on the planet.

Obviously each of us could compile a long list of what DARK ENERGY might be….
And a “NE0-ILLUMINATION” says that “happiness might be based on much truth one can ignore.”

At this moment today….right now….I choose to ignore DARK ENERGY and thus that ends this column.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

p.s. I have a strange sensation that DARK ENERGY maintains a fairly powerful presence in spite of my refusing to be sucked in. Tomorrow DE could dominate my life and the list could become incredibly lonnnnnnnnnng.

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