Friday, February 28, 2014

From Sochi to Hollywood and weird choices

Now that a real competition is over (Olympics) we can turn our attention to the silly competition among people involved in the movie biz.

I was watching the last 30 minutes of Lincoln the other night and it occurred to me that Steven Spielberg's film  might be the most important film ever made.  Important being a film that should be required viewing by all high school freshman.

When I think about films that high school freshman should be required to view I really can't compile a very long list.....Lincoln, Sound of Music,???????



And then it suddenly occurred to me that Lincoln didn't win Best Picture in 2012.  I thought and thought and thought and couldn't come up with an answer on what film could possibly have defeated one of the most important films of all time......IF NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT.........

I finally relented and went online and discovered that the 2012 Academy Award for Best Picture went to

LINCOLN DID GET 12 NOMINATIONS and Daniel-Day Lewis did get his Oscar for his master portrayal of Abe....but for future generations I'm fairly certain that watching Lincoln as a freshman in high school will be much more important than watching the ARGO

ARGO is probably better appreciated in grad school.

There seems to be a buzz about 12 Years a Slave and certain people are predicting it will win.....but Lincoln was so much more important to the issue of slavery and it didn't win.  To be honest watching 12 Years a Slave was slightly less painful than being at the dentist.  Of course I'm a guy who can't possibly understand why Hannibal is a new TV series and shows like Joan of Arcadia get canceled.

WHAT PART OF SLAVERY AREN'T WE AWARE OF?  Is somebody going to make a new movie about slavery next year and just show us a 60 minute actual rape?

Exploitation VS Education

LINCOLN vs 12 Years a Slave

If 12YaS wins it will be because voters actually feel guilty over not making Lincoln their top choice in 2012.

I think Wolf of Wall Street could win because Dallas Buyers Club and 12YaSlave will offset each other.

The only sure thing is Cate Blanchett unless all the Woody Allen news has some strange affect on Academy members.

And Jared Leto is a lock for Best Supporting Actor

Keep in mind this is the movie industry and nothing is what it seems......

It's a lot like politics but unfortunately politics affects our daily lives and unless you actually work in the movie industry the Acadamy Awards is just a one night, well clothed, fantasy break in
the action known as life.

I'm still in shock that BLACKFISH wasn't nominated for best doc..

It might have been the most important film of 2013

And when it comes to subjective vs objective who really has the final say?

Maybe Steven McQueen will make 24 years an Orca next year and everything will be made ok.

I've got to go now and find a seat at the Red Carpet event so I can watch an actor walk and wave for 30 seconds.

Talk about silly people.........

By the Olympics is 2016 in RIO.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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