Thursday, June 20, 2013

Freaky Twitter account

The Shabab has a Twitter account.

When Twitter first started in 2006 I went on their site to see what the buzz was all about.  I looked at the amount of information they wanted from me and decided I was not going to be a Twittereeerer.  It seemed like they were asking more than the standard sign up information and since I refuse to text, it didn't seem like a platform that would occupy my time.  I did see the potential for other people wanting to voice their opinions in 140 characters or less....but as you've probably noticed by's hard for me to streamline an idea down to a punch line.  I like to surround the situation and then develop an attack plan before I try to make my point.

There are so many times when I wonder if I actually made a valid point, or just traversed the concept without actually arriving at my intented distination.....

The Shabab has a Twitter account.


I'm pretty sure most of my Mind Jazz readers don't have the slightest idea who The Shabab is. but rest assured they aren't the latest boy band out of Australia.

This is the exact words of a few very recent Twits from The Shabab.
"The UN, a merchant of death and a satanic force of evil, has a long, inglorious record of spreading nothing but poverty, dependency and disbelief."  "Mujahedin units from the Martyrdom Brigade have stormed the UNDP compound near the airport in Mogedishu, Domalia.  Some of the 'white kuffar' who tried to engage the mujahedin in combat were killed and thrown out into the compound."

And people wonder why DRONES get used?

By the way.........The Shababad is an Al-Qaeda linked milita that opposes the Somalia government.

I hope they don't have a Facebook or My Space page and I'd really hate to hear that their Instagram account is operating smoothly.

Bitter non-Twitter
Michael Timothy McAlevey

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