Saturday, May 18, 2013

Things I won't do

There are just some things I won't do.....and resources have very little to do with the list.

But I have to assume that if I won the $600 million Powerball a few of these don't do things might be available for consideration.  At the very least I would foot the bill for some loved ones to accomplish said feats.

Some of things I won't do are simply because I do have a certain glimpse of reality.....

I won't....

kill a bee
step on a spider
eat beets
own a cat
climb Mt. Everest
forget Hoyt Axton
sing the Star Spangled Banner at Dodger Stadium
shoot a sub par round of golf
stop loving 40 foot screens
remember any grammar school teachers that weren't named
 Sister Mary Margaret
understand how political corruption is achieved
care much about food except at Dermot's house
forget how to bump a volleyball with my forearms
remember the complete lyrics to any song I didn't write
drive in the Indy 500
forget Echo Lake
explain QuantumTime Travel
walk in the fast lane on the 405
run across the outfield during a professional baseball game
see an atom split
swim with pirhana in the Amazon
write an algorithm
beat Tom in a foot race
make a mountain out of a mole hill
turn down Kerry's grilled cheese
underestimate God
sing opera
spend a week in Mumbai
forget the first game of the 1988 World Series
wear a Giants hat
stop trying to create the perfect flow design
forget how to kiss
learn how to read Hebrew
ever stop worrying about Lily
address the Supreme Court
forget Creek Rd
rob a bank
forget how much Sean liked his four best friends
stop reading newspapers
ever not feel like a dad to Laura and Grace
smoke crack
get mad at Reese Witherspoon
regret my friendship with Tom
start liking the color pea green
forget the summer of 68 and 69 in Venice
date a Catholic nun
become a Catholic Priest
cut off my nose to spite my face
tell a dirty joke to your great grandmother
swallow live termites
think war is THE ONLY answer
forget one night at June Lake
Vote for anyone named Bush
take a vacation to Afghanistan
move to New York
forget taking Warman to the hoop
forget the 4H pledge
have a snake for a pet
bowl a perfect game
ever forget the moments with Sean
pierce anything on my body
ever understand why Harry's Law got canceled
be able to read James Joyce 
paint my toenails
forget the RF and Mom's
stop looking for perfect female face
stop trying to draw perfect female face
work for a rug merchant
send donations to a Karl Rove charity
stop being amazed at how smart Butch is
stop going to movies on opening day
give up my DVR player
forget Little League experiences with Sean and Lily
forget my Angel years in Malibu
stop feeling disappointed that David Foster Wallace is gone
stop believing that Cop Rock will return
ever be convinced that AC/DC isn't the greatest rock band even     if the Stones tour at 90
and of course
have anything to do with male parts of the body that aren't mine

Just the way I roll

And then there's this break in the action

I post this every few months
And I'll never stop being an Elvis fan!

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