Sunday, March 31, 2013

It's another day

I expressed my feelings about organized group religious worship on Facebook this morning and while I think I made my point I also failed to wish everyone a Happy Easter.

I'm pretty sure that defines the contradictions of my personal mission statement.

Having spent numerous Easter Sundays at church followed by an Easter egg's hard to dismiss the behavior patterns that sit within the boundaries of my various lobes of memory and thought.

I thought I had a memory and then I remembered that the memory was just a passing thought and while it confused me I wasn't really upset....just temporarily internally perplexed.

The idea of an Easter egg hunt seems pleasant enough when there are very short people involved.

The idea of Easter Sunday being the main foundational structure of the world's largest organized religion is an entirely different story.

I often wonder why Muhammad didn't capitalize on the rising from the dead event.  I suspect that it was a harder dealio to pull off 600 years later with all the modern media coverage.....After all, by 600 AD everybody had access to everything and word moved so much faster than it did at the time when Jesus walked the walk and talked the talk.

I like the idea of returning to life after being dead and I have a stinking suspicion that I'm not the only one.  I do have a slight contradiction with the desire to be cremated but then again whoever said being human was a science.  Cremation most likely doesn't take place until 7 days after passing so if something is going to return electronic circuitry to the body, it better happen within 3 days or things might get sticky....or gooey.....or whatever.

I hope I'm not keeping you from finding any eggs.  I'm trying to remember the last time I hid an egg. Lily is 26 so it's probably been 3 or 4 years.  I found some unique egg coloring dye a few months ago in one of my kitchen cabinets and used it on one of my paintings.  The little bottles contained various neon colors and I was extremely happy how they appeared on the paper and held their intensity.

When color holds it's intensity I find the Universe to be a place of extreme wonder and magic.

A lot like Easter Sunday and Christmas morning.

Christmas just makes so much more sense to me than Easter.........but it's only March 31st so I have a long time to contemplate other mystical realms of magic and fantasy. 

We human beings are a hoot....are we not? favorite holiday happens tomorrow.

Just kidding


Michael Timothy McAlevey

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