Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ten years and we've learned ???????

On September 11 2001 a group of Saudi nationals flew commercial jets into three different buildings. Osama Bin Laden claimed responsibility on behalf of Al-Qaeda. It seems odd that we haven't even figured out the correct spelling for those crazy son's of bitches. Sometimes it's spelled Al-Qaida or al-queda and sometimes it's just spelled....nutcases.

I think we've learned a few things about Dick Cheney and George W. Bush but we really haven't learned why Islamic radicals have literally misinterpreted their sacred book....the Koran. Which by the way, can also be spelled Qur'an or Coran or Kuran or al-Qur'an. How are they suppose to interpret the content correctly when they can't even figure out one spelling?

The bible is spelled....B I B L E........

Now please don't interpret this as some better than thou religious comparison because when it comes organized religions I'm pretty sure controlling massive amounts of people is the main goal and when the main goal is to control massive amounts of people, then the true individual relationship with the creator becomes lost in the translation.

I reckon this piece I'm writing will cause some idiot to claim that I'm demeaning the prophet Muhammad.....which is another name that seems to have ten spellings.....and put a fatwa out on my head. I was thinking of buying a fatwa at the .99 store but they currently are sold out.

The real difference between the two big stopped killing people about 800 years ago. The other seems to be hell bent on killing anyone who doesn't accept Islam as the one true religion.

Christianity's history most definitely has some major character flaws....and Catholic priests have taken those flaws to a new level in the last 50 years. If the Pope simply reversed the no-marriage rule, which was established around 800 AD, then those goofy priest, who like little boys, would simply fade away like Frank McCourt should. Martin Luther tried to make it right for the home team in Rome but was forced to start his own branch of Christianity.

I keep wondering why Jews, the Christians and Islamic scholars all think that God only conversed with their organizations. That is the problem isn't it? Each one of them thinks that God stopped publishing with each of their books. Of course the Mormons and various other splinter groups disagree with that limited publishing theory, but who really cares what the Mormons think? Now that Mitt Romney will be seriously running for President maybe some questions can be answered regarding the history of his goofy religion. The Rick Perry televangelist campaign should also prove to be interesting if the reporters ask the right questions.

Somewhere during the next 12 months one of the religious right wing candidates will make a statement that truly puts the Holy War into proper perspective. Because no matter what you think....the radical Islamic players on the other side....totally believe this is the big one......

The Holy War....or Jihad

If one simply pauses for a second and imagines that An Entity exist that has managed to create an ever expanding universe that contains billions and billions of creatures, planets, suns, galaxies and one Reeese Witherspoon than it's fairly easy to see that love is at the core.....not war.

I can't understand why any human being would underestimate the very nature of such An Entity.

It doesn't make sense.

Logic and reason must not exist in the heart and mind of anyone who thinks GOD condones violence....but that's just my crazy observation.

A Creator is a Creator.

And the fact that A Creator exist....should simply be enough reason to say thank you and




There is no place for thank you, I love you and now I want to kill you if you don't agree with me.

The moderate Islamic leaders and scholars need to become extremely vocal and they need to do it now! They need to talk about misinterpretations of certain written words.

If they don't...then the HOLY WAR will become a true reality.

I'm almost worried that there are too many people on both sides who want a Holy War to take place.

And that's what I've learned since 9/11/2001.

How about you?

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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