Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm about to step in it.......

Kobe gets fined $100,000 for using the word "faggot" while jabbering at a referee and nobody ever gets fined for using the terms "motherfucker" or "Son of a Bitch." I would think every mom in America would have voiced their displeasure with those two terms, both of which truly should offend them. I would think every son of every mom would stand up and say those terms are offensive to the mothers of America. I would think the NBA and NFL and MLB would have issued fines totaling in the millions for using those derogatory phrases because there would be no players without moms. But instead a word that heterosexuals mostly use when talking to other heterosexuals is worth a $100,000 fine in the NBA? Those instances of making a off-handed remark to a non-gay person with the word "fag" in the remark total in the hundred's of thousands on a yearly basis. And before 1980 they totaled in the millions on a yearly basis. The word GAY was not used on a regular basis when referring to non-straight people until well into the 2oth century. It happened sometime around the period where gays suddenly claimed they owned the Rainbow. Seriously...I can't have a rainbow flag on my boat or my house or my car or my shirt or my pants or anywhere without it being an announcement that I am gay. And it doesn't matter one bit that I don't have a boat, a house or a car. Possession of objects is not the point of this point. I'm not gay but I want the Rainbow put back into society on a regular basis! Maybe that's why Kobi's pissed. Maybe he also thinks the rainbow should be for everyone. And how does the word "faggot" equate with the word "nigger?" Were gays being hung after being enslaved for 400 years? Were the gay cotton pickers teenage daughters being raped by plantation owners? And by the way....we all know that blacks in certain segments of our pollution call each other niggers on a regular basis. Do gays call themselves "faggots?" What if Kobi was gay? Would it then be ok? What if the referee was also gay? Then it would just be a street cred homi. I realize that the word is associated with homophobic behavior but I'm not sure how that got started and what happens in non-USA cultures where the word means other things like a bundle of sticks, a herb or a seasoning or an embroidery style on clothing...... and of course a fag in England is still a cigarette. Kobi has done more to bring GAY AWARENESS to the average sports fan in America than any other single incident. People are discussing something that they don't want to discuss and generally don't even want to hear about. Gays are excited because.....because.......because........they are gay! I'd like to hear Elton John's take on the whole thing. Maybe he could do another Saturday Night Live show and spend a bit more time being really really gay. Loren Michaels needs to have Kobi and Elton do the first show of the fall season as co-hosts.

I'm really glad I was able to solve that problem.

When I read that 1 out of every 110 children born have Autism I really don't get the entire Kobi incident. We really have other things to worry about besides silly name calling incidents by overpaid professional athletes. Do you think for one second that a gay person dying of aids gives one thought to anything Kobi Bryant says? So silly! I hope the $100,000 goes to AIDS research. And then I hope every single NBA player uses the term "faggot" in the next two weeks and each one gets fined $100,000 and it all goes to research on how to REVERSE AIDS and STOP AUTISM............COMPLETELY.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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