Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm just asking

When I voted in 2008 I voted for certain ideals that I thought clearly separated the two major parties.

Something doesn't feel right when I observe current events.

I was told the other day that WE are in a conservative time period.

Is that true?

I've always considered the party, not occupying the white House, has having the upper hand when it comes to the GENERAL ATTITUDE of the American people.

It's tricky because a lot of people voicing their opinion on one thing or another, don't participate in the actual election process.

60% is the average turnout. Four out of ten people that are talking trash right now....don't vote.

And then the people who have large media voices think they have all the answers and they speak in absolutes so people get excited.

General Attitude is a perception issue heightened by the loudness and repetitiveness of the most vocal participants who are playing the game.

The game is politics and it's important to keep one thing in mind......

It's much easier to attack then to defend.

Offense always scores more points than defense.....but a great defense shuts down offense almost every time.

I'm having a problem coming up with a great defense for the administration because so much appears to be aimed at appeasement toward the other party.

This can't all be caused by the Republicans taking control of the house in 2010....can it?

The General Attitude seems to think Barry caused the unemployment problem.
The General Attitude thinks that the current administration is totally responsible for the deficit.

Sometimes I wonder where the Clinton economists are hiding.

Maybe I need to be spending more time listening to the liberal talk shows on the radio.

That's pretty funny don't you think?

Most of my life I've heard that liberals dominate the media. If that's the case then how in the world did radio become completely conservative?

Radio is part of the media is it not?

If it wasn't for the Aaron Sorkin, an occasional film and Harry's Law..... I'd never see a liberal point of view.

You really have to search to find a great voice on the left.

Was my friend right.......Is this really a conservative time?

I'm just asking.

Remember the good old days of Bush and Cheney bashing? Hopefully Sarah will soon announce her run for the presidency so things can pick up on the liberal attack mode.

I'm just looking around the world and wondering why so many decisions seem to be carbon copies of the last guy.

I obviously need a sweat lodge experience or some really clean acid.

My General Attitude really needs an adjustment.

I'm willing to take all suggestions, other than the stupid one about becoming a Republican.

Trust me when I say....things will never get that bad.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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