This article was written by Christian M. Ellis
In the July 23, 2010 issue of The Week, there is an article titled "Congress: Why Democrats are running scared" which discusses how low President Obama's popularity is and why democrats are doomed to take a beating in the November elections. After reading the article, I spent most of the day wondering how on earth this could be the case and felt compelled to share my views on what is at stake this year. Great societies do not sustain their greatness through the acts of politicians; they sustain their greatness through the wisdom, courage, and values from the republic itself, the people. A little less than two years ago, our nation elected a man who brought hope, intelligence, courage, and integrity back to the white house. The rest of the world observed and responded with elation.
But this historic and extraordinary act of electing an African American to the most powerful position in the world is not enough.
In our new millennium, the world is getting flatter, smaller, more complex, and more interconnected. Time is speeding up, old boundaries are breaking down, and the laws of cause and effect are ever more complicated. It is no longer productive to think in terms of good and bad, right and wrong, democratic and republican.
The dualistic view of the world is slowly being replaced with a more enlightened way of thinking about our society and our world.
Some people are awakening to a whole new level of consciousness about the interdependence of all things; but many people are still asleep, imprisoned by their own unconscious beliefs and way of life. Our greatest strength as a society is our freedom.
Our greatest weakness is our ignorance. More of us must awaken.
Imagine a citizen of the earth in the year 3000 reading a history book about the two main philosophies of our current American society.
One philosophy focuses on gun rights, anti-choice, prayer in schools, increasing oil drilling, building walls around the country, lowering taxes for the rich and dispelling climate change as a myth.
The other philosophy focuses on improving healthcare for children, improving education, pro-choice, conserving the environment, moving to renewable energy, fighting destructive climate change, increasing diversity, and supporting the vanishing middle class.
I wonder if our citizen of the future would be able to even comprehend the existence of this shocking duality.
The question for us today, in this era of transformation, is how can we allow the politicians, media outlets, and citizen groups that subscribe to the first philosophy continue to bury us in their ignorance, arrogance, and greed?
Recently, the state of Texas has started re-writing its school textbooks to reposition evolution as only a theory, replace the word "democratic" with "republican," eliminate the concept of the separation of church and state, and reduce the prominence of historical figures viewed as "liberal" like Thomas Jefferson. Because of the size of the state, Texas influences school textbook publishing companies to adopt their standards, which then affect the rest of the country. There are thousands more examples like this of the insidious and pervasive nature of ignorance and fear in our society. The only solution is an increased awareness, understanding, and consciousness about our world and how we must live in greater harmony with each other and our environment, and importantly, apply this greater awareness to developing longer-term, more enlightened solutions.
With greater consciousness comes empathy, compassion, cooperation, courage, and tolerance. But we cannot mistaken what this truly means. We can no longer tolerate the hate, fear, and lies that are fomented by people that call themselves patriots. We all know who these people are. They are the ones that assassinate doctors who perform legal abortions. They are the ones that suggest our President is a racist and not a citizen of our country. They are the ones that spread misinformation about global warming. They are the ones that torture people. They are the ones that wage wars to fill the coffers of corporations and kill our young men and women in the process. They are the ones that impose their self-serving morality on the rest of us. These people are not patriots; they are a danger to us and our children. They hate what America stands for: liberty, diversity, equality, and unity. We must stop their pathological deceptions and obstructionist shamefulness.
Going back to the article in The Week, a former advisor of the previous administration, the most irresponsible and incompetent administration in our history, was quoted as saying that we must fight against our President and his party's big-government policies. I share with you this statement as one of profound and singular ignorance and outrageous deception. The previous administration deceived us to wage an unnecessary war, destroyed our global leadership and influence in the process, and threw us into catastrophic economic collapse, while doubling the national debt by $5 Trillion and bankrupting our country. How can we still listen to these individuals, and how can we allow them to continue to shape our destiny? I urge you to fight the unconscious people that are destroying our country and play an active role in preventing our President (and others who care about our country) from being punished at the voter's booth by the unconscionable legacy of the party that failed before him.
If this makes sense to you, please send it to ten other contacts and share the message. Spread the word that enough is enough.
Chris Ellis
is the author of the soon to be released book...
"The Enlightened Enterprise"
I'm pretty sure this article should be read a few times. The problem is the people who should read it ten times and memorize it......won't.
Michael Timothy McAlevey
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