Monday, May 31, 2010

Art and more art and something else besides art

Last Sunday night I attended a preview showing of The Vanishing Bees, which I wrote about on the 24th. At the time I said that the person's house, where the event was held, was another story and thus..... this is the other story.

Leigh McCloskey likes to refer to himself as a modern Renaissance Man.

I think it's fairly safe to say that he is a very dedicated artist who is able to verbalize his experience while at the same time illustrate the experience......on a level that I personally have never seen.

It almost resembles a madness and yet the clarity of his ideals pause one to stop before making the slide into judging his passions as a form of madness.

I'm using the word madness freely in this explanation because I've been to the room where much of this started.....and extreme dedication to a project can often times seem like a form of insanity.

Leigh explains that the HIEROGLYPH of the Human Soul started on the day after 9/11.....but I think the origins of this incredible experience date back many many years.

The beginnings of this incredible work probably go back quite a few lifetimes.

The idea of reincarnation plays very heavily on my psyche while looking at his art and then when he speaks.... it seems to reinforce that he has had extended observations beyond the current physical reality.

But of course this could be my insanity that observes and my madness that speculates and theorizes.

Leigh holds "meetings" at his house every Tuesday to discuss various matters of the mind, heart, art and soul experiences.

I've known about the Tuesday meetings for awhile but have not attended because I was "hesitant" of the intensity that I assumed would be involved. But after talking to Leigh for just a few minutes I realize that he also posses a sense of humor and therefore I will be going out there sometime in the near future.

I'm not a go to meeting kind of guy. I'm not a join the club kind of guy. I'm not a fraternity kind of guy and I'm for sure not interested in any spiritual organization that has organization at it's very core.

What I am into though is new discoveries of our true purpose and anything that has to do with ......
Soul Awareness Development.......

Which brings me to one of my Neo-Illuminations....

Soul Awareness Development is sad for awhile and then it becomes obvious that SAD simply cannot be......

My NE0-ILLUMINATION experience should be quite interesting to a person with Leigh's insights....while at the same time I will be able to revisit the feeling of "reincarnation validation" while in his incredible room.

I highly suggest you go to his website, Leigh, which is listed on the right side of the article under Favorites, and begin a fascinating experience.

The visual part of the experience will be well worth your time.

The spiritual side of your experience is entirely up to you.

Enjoy learning something new or enjoy having your soul awareness validated.

Or simply appreciate the controlled madness.

It's all good!

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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