Sunday, March 21, 2010

The season starts today

In my mind when Vin Scully does his first baseball game of the season...the season actually starts.

That will take place today in Arizona.....the first official day of spring.

He is 82 and this is his 60th season talking to us about the Dodgers and Major League Baseball.

We obviously had a little scare the other day when Vin had to go to the hospital after falling down and hitting his head. If he starts talking like it's the 1955 World Series then we will know there's a problem. Not a big problem, mind you, because we don't really care what he talks about as long as he keeps talking.

There actually should be a weekly reality show with Vin simply telling us stories about things he has seen on and in the ballparks of life.

The people of Los Angeles, who listen and watch Dodger baseball, have been truly blessed since 1957 because of the presence of Vincent Edward Scully.

And today starts another year of listening to the one Dodger that we really care about. Players come and go, as do coaches and managers and yes, even owners....but VIN SCULLY is the rock that holds the entire package together.....and wraps it in the most eloquent verbal bow that anyone can imagine.

Play Ball!

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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