Thursday, December 17, 2009

Telling a story

Clint Eastwood tells a story on film as well as anyone working in the biz.

recaptures a moment in time that many of us in America just have overlooked or ignored. Recalling the early 90's in South Africa all I remember is the constant threat that civil war was going to break out any day and that the black majority would be attempting to remove the white minority from all aspects of running South Africa.

A blood bath was apparently on the agenda.

It didn't happen, and for Clint to make a movie showing how Nelson Mandela conducted his life through the experiences of a Rugby team is truly amazing. The Rugby World Cup in 1995 was very small part of the reunification process when you look at the overall situation. I'm sure Mr. Mandela's personality was the actual peace pipe in the process and his actions allowed for both sides to step toward the middle of calmness and solutions.

But having a single moment where all people can look to one thing and cheer is truly an amazing moment.

And a moment that does not happen on a regular basis in any country.

Add the tension that had to be present at that time in that country and one can truly understand how important it was for South Africa to win that event.

I don't think 99% of us who will see this film have any idea what the rules of Rugby are but that does not matter one tiny bit.

What we do know is that certain people come along at certain times and things just seem to work out. Clint uses a film to remind us how important those people and those times can be.

Nelson Mandella was born to play an incredible role in the modern history of our planet.

Morgan Freeman was born to play Nelson Mandela.

And Clint was born to capture the whole deal on film.

Check it out!

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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