I highly recommend reading the entire article which appears on the first page of the Calender section.
I'm pretty sure that Bill Moyers interviews will be historically important to anyone interested in what the planet Earth was like during our current time period.
100 years from now people will be able to watch Bill interview Jane Goodall, Oliver Stone, James Galbraith, Bill Clinton, George Lucas and get a calm perspective on the late 20th Century and the beginning of the 21st Century
His six hour interview with Joseph Campbell will insure him a unique place in journalistic history and once the human race calms down regarding the total obsession with man made religions and figures out how mythology really shapes our environments, then he will be even more highly respected as a person who asked the right questions and asked them in a manner which was dignified and respected by all.........well almost all.
The infamous right wing commentators, who seem to be dominating the current atmosphere make Mr. Moyers a target of their nonsense. Bill O'Reilly made a statement that he drove Bill Moyers into retirement.
The absurdity of that type of statement completely shows the parallel universes that exist in the world of media personalities.
Imagine an interview program with Bill Moyers, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann. Imagine that you are being interviewed for something you did that was either extremely important or extremely stupid.
Bill Moyers might be the best interviewer who has ever lived.
His style and his grace are so unique and so relaxing that one often forgets the importance of the subject matter.
I perhaps love his style so much because it is the exact opposite of how I roll.
When something pisses me off I have a tendency to raise my voice and
I suspect that Bill Moyers has been able to maintain total control of his vocal cords since he was a very young man. Obviously it has something to do with increased intelligence and parental upbringing.
The world has multiple millions of people who are much smarter than I. It is so rewarding to know that one of those people has spent a lifetime keeping me informed of things that are happening all around me as I move forward in my small orbit.
I know there are things I do that make me unique and I know there are things you do that make you unique.
As individuals we make statements and we leave footprints and hopefully some of those remain relevant to the broader map known as human development.
I just have to figure out how to get Bill Moyers to interview me so that I can be part of his remarkable resume.
I honestly believe in my heart that he would get the NEO-ILLUMINATION period of my life and would find it interesting.
I guess I should send him a copy of my book.
He will have plenty of reading time available after April.
How cool would it be to have Bill Moyers as a pen pal?
Please read the article by Neal Gabler and then go to Bill's website and enjoy and elevated sense of dignity on this beautiful Sunday morning.
Michael Timothy McAlevey
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