Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Morning

I've had approximately 3276 Sundays in my life and I think I've watched the CBS Sunday Morning show about 350 times (slightly over 10%). Each and every time I watch it I seem to shed a tear.

Sometimes quite a few tears and sometimes just a smidgen of moisture.

I have no idea what the ratings are for this show but I would assume they are well below the American Idol numbers....probably 25 million less.

For years Charles Kuralt would travel down the road and I would always be moved by one of his stories. I suspect it had a lot to do with his voice. Now the show is hosted by Charles Osgood and once again the voice might have something to do with the emotional reaction.

I wonder if watching a show like Sunday Morning is going the same route as newspaper reading.

The difference for me is that I have had around 16,425 days in my adult life and have read the newspaper about 16,000 of those days (well over 90%).

Its not always easy for me to turn on the TV at 7:30 on a Sunday Morning....but when I do I always get rewarded with a strong emotional reaction.

I wonder why they don't repeat the Sunday Morning show later in the day....or during the week.
I promise you that the show is better than 75% of the shows in prime time.

Of course it's a show that makes you feel good about the human species so it can't compete with the 35 CSI shows that only show the worst qualities of human nature.

I've only seen a few portions of the CSI shows so I might be exaggerating but each time I've watched the show there was a body being cut up in graphic details to explain the result of some psycho behavior.

Not my cup of tea to be reminded, during prime time, how wacky some humans can be.

CBS is the same network that serves both cups of tea.

I like my tea with milk or cream...not blood and gore.

An interesting idea would be for regular viewers of CSI to record Sunday Morning and play it the next time a CSI episode comes on the air.

I just think it might help to relax some of the obvious tension that seems to exist on a daily basis.

It's a group tension...

....and Sunday Mornings always seems so much more relaxed than any other day of the week.

It couldn't possibly have anything to do with something being shown on TV...could it?

Of course not.

But imagine if 30 million people got up early Sunday Morning and started watching CSI.


Michael Timothy McAlevey

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