Thursday, May 21, 2009


Basketball fans need to see a final with Kobe vs LeBron and Denver and Orlando are doing everything possible to spoil that dream match up.

It would be very interesting if both conference finals went seven games. We would all be quite exhausted. Of course the players could also be a bit tired but they make millions of dollars to stay in great shape.

There is so much talk about the greatest basketball players of all time and while Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson and Kobe and LeBron get seems everybody simply overlooks Kareem Abdul Jabbar when talking about the greatest.

Bill Russell simply counts his rings and laughs at all the speculation about greatness.

I have heard that its all about winning and Bill Russell did that the most.

Personally I still think Jerry West was the best. Skinny white kid who is simply known as
the LOGO.

But right now the two best players are Kobe and LeBron and we need to see that final confrontation.

Dwight Howard and Carmelo Anthony see a different outcome.

The playoffs are the real part of the NBA season.

This is fun and this is intense

KOBE VS LEBRON would make this one of the great seasons in recent history.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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