Saturday, April 25, 2009


Sean was born 31 years ago
and now he has officially been gone longer than
his stay

I can't explain how I feel because it changes
every minute
like a strange time warp and I'm not the only
one in it

Sometimes it feels like everything happened this
and then other moments feel like forever without
any warning

like he was never even here
and nothing bad really happened to you or me
and then reality whacks
and with clarity I see

of course I watched him being born and then grow and then laugh and then run and then jump and then climb and then think and then excel and then get taller and then get smarter and then and then and then and then.....

Here's the truth I face on a daily basis

My physical reality would be much more rewarding if Sean Maxilmilian McAlevey
was physically turning 31 today and we were having a birthday party for him


My non-physical reality, on the other hand, is elevated beyond belief because of his presence in my life.

But keep in mind that non-physical reality is a forever thing and physical reality is short and so very very sweet

sometimes even shorter than we could ever have imagined

Happy Birthday Sean

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