Monday, June 16, 2008

another day another 1.3 million

Today the U.S. OPEN golf championship extends itself by one day while Tiger Woods and Rocco Mediate battle for the coveted title. The winner of today's 18 hole playoff gets $1.3 million dollars and the loser gets somewhere around $700,000.

These guys work 4 days a week...if they are good and lucky. Some of them only work two days a week. I'm not talking about practicing for work because many of the tour players probably spend every day doing something related to improving their game.

It's a game that demands repetition.

And sometime the repetition can drive you crazy....especially during those moments of repetition where nothing seems to work. .
If you keep swinging and emphasize BALANCE then eventually your ball will respond correctly.
But your score will always stay in the range that the GOLF GODS determined would be your range. Every so often you have one of those days that lives forever in your memory bank.
Today would be a good day for Rocco Mediate to have one of those days.

The problem is that for him to have one of those days...his opponent would have to have an average day.....and an average day for Tiger Woods generally means 3 under par and another victory.

Everybody loves Tiger Woods but when an older guy (45) steps up to the tee and plays on an equal footing with one of the three greatest golfers who has ever played the game....then it's time to turn back the clock.....grab the Pabst Blue Ribbon....light up a Lucky Strike....dust off the classic novels and sit back and cheer for the old one.

It's not hard rooting for Rocco because he really is a good guy. Whether or not he can defeat Tiger probably depends on one left knee. If the knee holds up it will be another major for Tiger.......if it doesn't then it will be a first for Rocco and a very special day for those of us who are slightly closer to the next level.

It should be fun to watch..............................................but let's be perfectly's nowhere near as much fun as actually playing....even when you are playing like a total goof ball.

Even on the worst days there are always a few moments that shine through....

kind of like...... life.

it's important to find those shining moments in every single day.....
Michael Timothy McAlevey

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