Monday, May 12, 2008

It's not quite but it's close enough

"...a mythology is a control system, on the one hand framing its community to accord with an intuited order of nature and, on the other hand, by means of its symbolic pedagogic rites, conducting individuals through the ineluctable psychophysiological stages of transformation of a human lifetime - birth, childhood and adolescence, age, old age, and the release of death - in unbroken accord simultaneously with the requirements of this world and the rapture of participation in a manner of being beyond time."
- Joseph Campbell
There is an article in today's LA TIMES by Robin Abcarian.

In this article Abcarian uncovers the previous connection that Hillary (and Bill) had with Jean Houston. I say previous because apparently they no longer consult her. In this article a person gets mentioned that I have waited 30 years to hear mentioned in a political campaign....

The esteemed Joseph Campbell

Of course Hillary didn't mention Joseph Campbell but the fact that a former life coach of Hillary's is mentioned in the same sentence as Mr. good enough for me.

Ms. Houston, who is a highly regarded scholar, philosopher and author clearly states that Hillary failed to "move to the next level" beyond the "warfare level"

Simply put......we already have a WARRIOR in McCain.....a SHAMAN in Obama....and what we are missing is the MOTHER SUPERIOR....

THE FEMALE VOICE OF REASON AND INSIGHT could and should have been Hillary's biggest asset...but she had to adopt a WARRIOR/SHAMAN persona because someone told her she had to fight fire with fire....instead of realizing that a ton of feminine water would have been just fine.

There are some interesting sidebars in the story regarding imaginary conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt.

I understand the technique of connecting with historical figures but generally most of us do it through books and movies. I'll look into this unusual method and report back later.

Maybe Hillary can still pull a rabbit out of the hat but she would really have to rise beyond the warrior mentality and present us with a new and "revealing" side.....A SIDE THAT ONLY A WOMAN CAN REVEAL.

And being a man I'm not quite sure what that SIDE is....but I will recognize it when and IF I see it.....and the fact that Joseph Campbell and Hillary Clinton appear together in today's blog.....means something.

Of course It's not quite what I wanted but it's close enough for the moment.

After all it's the first time I've ever seen Mr. Campbell's name in an article with someone running for President of the United States.

Hillary needs to do some reading......quickly....and she needs to reconnect with old friends who know what Mythology is about....

Spirituality is not a negative term Hillary.

Jean Houston, hopefully,taught you at least that much!

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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