Sunday, May 25, 2008

Belatedly Across The Universe

I love musicals and generally try to catch them when they first open. I'm not quite sure what was happening during the theatrical run of Across The Universe but it slipped past my "musical" barometer without much fan fare.

I don't even recall friends telling me to go see it.

Well I've corrected that error and can announce that there is one more musical to add to the list of great musicals.

First and foremost
is the music......which of course was the Director's first and foremost idea.....Securing the Beatles Playbook and then building a movie around selected songs.....
The challenge would be ....what songs to ignore and since there are only about 15 songs in the movie that leaves about 185 that didn't make the cut.

Julie Taymor (Director) is a gifted artist and I feel a bit silly having never heard of her before. I'm not sure what other films she has directed but I will look it up and get back to you later.

Watching her speak on the "Special Features" part of the DVD I can honestly say that she is a unique personality within an industry that contains huge variations of personalities....many of which borderline the word......disorder.....

I would think anyone involved in any aspect of the film industry (and even those not in the industry).....would jump at the chance to work with Julie Taymor....


The way she selected the actors and the way she developed the project are reasons for people to get involved in the industry.

If you haven't seen this film.......silly you.

Silly me until last night.......don't know what I was thinking.......

If you did see it when it ran on the big screen, I think it's time for another viewing.....don't you?

I think I'll watch it again tonight.

A wonderful love story with historically accurate social comments
and of course
some of the greatest music ever created.

The cool thing is that another 20 movies could be made using the other 185 Beatle songs.




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