Wednesday, March 12, 2008


NEW YORK - Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned in disgrace Wednesday after getting caught in a prostitution scandal that shattered his corruption-fighting, straight-arrow image, saying: "I cannot allow my private failings to disrupt the people's work."

Spitzer made the announcement without having finalized a plea deal with federal prosecutors, though a law enforcement source familiar with the investigation said he is believed to still be negotiating one. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case.
"Over the course of my public life, I've insisted, I think correctly, that people regardless of their position or power take responsibility for their conduct. I can and will ask no less of myself," Spitzer said at a Manhattan news conference with his wife, Silda, at his side. He left without answering questions.


Couldn't he have found a slightly less expensive piece of ass?

And $2700 wasn't enough because he had to go to the ATM to get more for her.

$2700 for two hours!

And then I heard from a friend yesterday that he knows about a $25,000 a weekend call girl.

$25,000 for a weekend!

Actually Spitzer got a deal because had she spent the weekend she would have charged

It's a good thing he was born into money....and now he will have plenty of free time on his hands to pursue extra curricular activities.

My other question is why wasn't the prostitute arrested? And why wasn't the prostitution ring busted?

One of the strange angles to this story is that it is apparently harming Hillary.
Everybody is being reminded of Bill and Monica...and in fact they are running pictures of Bill hugging Monica right next to the departing Governor.

And then from left-field... former Vice-Presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro announced yesterday that the only reason he is in his present position is because he is an African American.

That's a fairly big wow!

Seems like pretty intense ammunition for the Obama campaign.

Maybe there is an opening for Eliot Spitzer in one of the campaigns. After all asking for a second chance and apologizing to the American public might be the avenue to travel...and either one of the candidates could be involved in helping him travel down a new clean path of moral conduct.


After all...they both claim to be about helping people, and there's no Democrat in America that needs more help than Eliot Spitzer.....or then again he did it on purpose but that's another story.

I realize this really sounds shallow but I sure hope she was smoking hot and worth the trouble. I suspect she will end up with her own reality show.



Michael Timothy McAlevey

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