Monday, January 28, 2008

And the Kennedy car joins the train

Yesterday it was announced that Caroline Kennedy would announce her support for Barack Obama.

I imagine there were some interesting family conversations among the Kennedy clan yesterday because today at the planned announcement, Caroline was joined by uncle Teddy and the announcement turned into a major media event.

Teddy Kennedy supporting Barack Obama is another major plus for his campaign. No matter what you think about the Kennedy influence in this's safe to say that at least 20 million more people just decided who they would vote for in the upcoming primaries.

20 million might seem like an exaggerated number but it also might be a cautious number.

It could be much higher.

There's just something about Hillary that doesn't generate enthusiasm and everything about Barack generates enthusiasm...especially in the younger voter.

Barack received more votes in South Carolina than actually voted in the 2004 South Carolina primary.


And every opportunity that Barack gets to speak...results in his rising to a new level.

And we haven't even begun to see the unification speeches...which I predict will be "legendary" and "historic."

The Obama train is moving down the track of optimism and now that train has the Kennedy car attached and it's picking up momentum along with style and substance.

This is getting very very interesting.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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