Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's obviously CLEAR in Colorado

I don't want to start any rumors but a friend of mine has a cousin whose sister goes to school with a guy who knows a waiter whose step-brother has an uncle who claims to have seen Marion Jones, Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire and Bill Clinton ( I'll do anything to make you think of Hillary) having dinner with the Colorado Rockies back in early September.

Since that dinner the Colorado Rockies have won 21 of 22 ball games and are now headed to their first World Series.

I'm checking the facts on this story but the waiter is high on crack and I can't seem to find him.
I think there some truth to the rumor because in the picture above, Todd Helton is holding the Colorado Rockies centerfielder and let's face it.......there has to be steriods involved because the centerfielder is wearing pink....and his head has strunk so much that his hat doesn't fit right.
It's obviously CLEAR what's going on in Colorado.
Can you determine that as a Dodger fan.....I can't really feel good about Colorado? I do have a few friends in the MOUNTAINS and I suppose they are enjoying this....but there's still that nagging thing in my mind....that wouldn't allow the 2007 season to fade peacefully.....
Michael Timothy McAlevey

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