Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Candidate and you.

This is a link to a web site that allows you to answer 10 questions and then it links you with the candidate that agrees with your views.

My answers revealed that I prefer Christopher Dodd....which is really interesting because I've never considered him.

Selecting a candidate that can win is primary...and I'm fairly certain that Christopher Dodd can't be elected President of the United States. But I will look into his agenda.

I heard a video the other day by Dennis Kucinich's wife and was truly impressed. She has an extremely active humanitarian background....besides being a hot redhead.

It appears that Hillary is starting to separate herself from the pack. I've said it before and I'll say it again...anyone married to Bill is ok with me. I heard an expression for the first time the other day...regarding Bill.

He would be the FIRST LADDIE.

Now that's cute!

I've keep hoping that Ralph Nader will host one of the debates but that's not going to happen because their isn't a politician alive that wants to be grilled by Ralph.

Iowa is just 3 months away and Hillary and Mitt will probably win. It's not a done deal when you walk away with the blue ribbon from Iowa but it does seem to perk interest for those voters who haven't started focusing on the election.

Christorpher Dodd? Wow.....who would have thunk?

Maybe I should take the test a few more times and see what happens. Maybe I feel different today about some of the answers.........after all it's flexibility that counts when it comes to politics.....or haven't you noticed?

Of course I'm kidding and flexibility seems to be the last asset that people admire in politicians...but I've always thought that the ability to admit being wrong and then traveling a different path...was a positive thing.

Politicians seem to admire the viewpoints that they held when they were 16....and nothing can change their minds.....except of course Mitt Romney who has changed everything. But then again he's a Mormon so no one has a real clue to his beliefs.

He's one of those.....tell you what you want to hear guys......and he seems to be really good at he'll probably get the Republican nomination.

Christopher Dodd?

Another Wow...but time to redo the test.

Give it a shot.

MIchael Timothy McAlevey

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