Saturday, September 22, 2007

Rainbows and Sonar Kills

Late yesterday in Southern California, a freaky thing came our way.....I wasn't sure what it was because it had been quite awhile since I had seen one....but after a few minutes I determined that I was indeed witnessing a.......STORM.

IT WAS VERY COOL AND IT WAS VERY WET.....which I notice is a trait that applies to most storms.

My powers of observation are staggering.

I went to the market right when it first started around 5:20 PM and as I approached the front doors I noticed a man holding his daughter (who appeared to be in the 6 to 9 month range) and they were standing just inside the door, looking out towards the rain. The little girls eyes could not have been opened any wider and the look of amazement was obvious. I walked by them and simply said...."Obviously first time she's seen the rain," and the father answered with, "mind your own business asshole."

Of course that last statement is not true but after some of the things I've seen is possible that I could have received that truth I received this response....

"Yes it is her first rain...thanks for noticing."

Later that night around 11:15 I think I heard the hardest rain I had heard in years...but then again it seems like years since any type of rain.

This morning when I woke up around 5:30 I decided to go out and do a meet and greet because I knew the air would be clean and crisp and there would be lots of water on the ground. I put on my boots ( not the cute little yellow ones) and headed out to the coffee shop. I browsed the front section of the paper, noticing that O.J. actually got a article on the front page and saw a picture of a dead blue whale being towed to it's necropsy. Somehow those two things seemed connected but I couldn't figure how why.

I then scanned the sports section to read about the Dodger funeral procession and noted that the young turks were firing back at Jeff Kent and simply thought to myself....losing brings out the real character in a person and the Dodgers appeared to be showing their true characters.....but if they have any PRIDE left they will show it to Arizona tonight and tomorrow and then stick it to Colorado and pay back the Giants for the two series they lost when it mattered....if they have any pride left is the magic phrase....they might have none left and could go 0 and out during the last eight games.

As I walked out of the coffee monopoly place (that I refuse to mention by name) I saw the biggest and brightest rainbow that I've seen in a very long time.....and it stayed strong and beautiful for about two minutes.

I hope that man with the little girl at the market, was out walking around this morning because if rain blew her mind imagine what a giant rainbow would do.

I then went to the Santa Monica Police department to address a matter that needed to be addressed which is another entire story that I might or might not tell at a later date. Telling that story will depend upon the outcome and the outcome will not be known for awhile.

After I left the Police Station I drove up 2nd street and decided to have another coffee at a not so familiar smaller coffee house. As I walked away from the counter I noticed a pleasant looking woman scanning the newspaper rather quickly and she closed the front section and was looking at the picture of the dead blue whale. I looked at her face and noticed she needed a pick-up that went well beyond the ability of coffee.

I simply spoke up and said..."I saw the cutest thing last night when it started to rain." I then quickly told her about the little girl and the rain and it made her smile and respond with..."it's a reason to have kids, isn't it?"

I then said..."I told you that story to counterbalance the whale story."

Her response was..."I have a passion for whales and I went up to Ventura the other day to see the one that was beached but it had already been removed....this is the third one in the last week."

I answered with..."I hope this isn't related to Colony Collapse Disorder."

She shot back very quickly with..."It's the SONAR....which they started doing on September 11th."

I made a comment about the injunction being lifted but I didn't think the sonar testing started yet. She repeated....."It started on 9/11 and it's going to cause a huge problem with whales and I hate it."

I said goodbye and walked away, forgetting to put a little chocolate in my coffee. When I got outside I tasted my latte and realized that I had overlooked my little chocolate fix. I went back inside, put the cocoa in my coffee and glanced over to the woman one more time. I realized that she needed one more boost.

I walked over to her and said...."By the way, a few years ago I figured out what political organization was the smallest political organization in the world." She glanced up and repeated exactly like a straight man would...."The smallest political organization in the world? And what organization would that be?"

MY PUNCH LINE....MY JOKE....that I made up about 20 years ago......

"The smallest political organization in the world is the RSW.....
Republicans to Save the Whales. There is one guy in an office in Washington D.C...waiting for his first phone call."


I walked away feeling pretty good and then saw that I had a parking ticket.....

I'm kidding about the parking ticket....but I'm serious about everything else that happened.

And the SONAR thing really needs further investigation....which I will do and report back soon....but starting SONAR TESTING on 9/11, close to the California coast, while BLUE WHALES are migrating...... seems amazingly STUPID AND MEAN SPIRITED.

Thank God for a little girl's big eyes and a beautiful rainbow....and of course a surprise storm that started a chain reaction that lead down the path to


Michael Timothy McAlevey

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