Tuesday, July 31, 2007

HARRY and the story

I just finished the final Harry Potter book, which was borrowed from Laura....who happens to be 18.

When she started reading the "franchise" she was 9 and has basically attended Hogwarts along with Harry, Ron and Hermoine.

I've read all seven but instead of identifying with Harry and his buds, I gravitate more towards the older Wizard dudes and various fathers and mothers that seem to shape the story lines.

I think I read that 25 million books sold, globally, in the first week. I'm pretty certain most of those 25 million read Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows within the first week....and since it took me about five days to read it, I guess I fall in the quick read catagory.

Often times when I have a really well written story, I like to limit the amount of pages I read at any one time just to make the experience last as long as possible.

J.K. Rowling has a true talent for making one turn the pages and try to absorb as much as possible, in as short a time as possible.

I think the expression "a page turner" applies to the Harry Potter series. Of course this last one has a special feel because it was the last one.....or was it?

Like with most things in the media world, that are successful, everyone wants more. I realize that seven is quite a few....but how about just one more....or maybe two...or?

After all it's already 19 years later and that crazy 22 year reoccurring Hruoclous Curse is just around the corner.....you know the curse that says no Dark Lord can return before 22 years if he's been completely blown to smitterens......

Oh there's always more....when there's a good story to tell......

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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