Daylight Savings Time starts this weekend.....three weeks earlier than usual....and Arizona and Hawaii just thanks. I think it has something to do with the Grand Canyon and Hana, on the island of Maui.
I have mixed emotions due to the fact that I'm up rather early in the morning and it will be pitch dark. When I was going to an office I really liked DLST because I'd be home long before the sunset. Which I think might be the primary benefit of DLST. "They" say the three week earlier start is due to ENERGY SAVING reasons....but I'm not being fooled.
The same reason VALENTINE'S DAY, MOTHER'S DAY, FATHER'S DAY, HALLOWEEN and every other silly celebration that has been glorified is due to one reason and one reason only.
If you are home earlier, you have a tendency to run out and buy a few things while it's still light.
Three weeks earlier for DLST means a few billion more dollars being rotated through the system. You know some Harvard grad calculated the numbers and showed it to some congressman who brought the idea to reality....and following the flow of cash throughout the world I have a sneaking hunch the Harvard grad's name is......Ching Ho Hu.
Since Hawaii already has a built in monetary cash flow....called tourism.....and Arizona just likes to be unique....(and when you have something like the Grand Canyon in your can be unique).....they just say no.
It does seem silly to make the people in Tuscon, during the months of July and August, spend an extra hour in 150 degree temperatures.
Anyway...I like it when States make individual decisions that go against the grain....just like I enjoy cities that make decisions that reflect the desires of the particular residents.
Santa Monica is most definitely one of those cities.....AND I wouldn't be surprised in a few years if they joined Arizona and Hawaii in rejecting DLST. Once they begin using LED lights for every type of light use, then the energy issue won't be important. And after the COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER becomes total reality, there won't be any food to buy, so late afternoon shopping will be eliminated......and then after the CERN gets cranked up, the Mini-Black Hole will simply eliminate any concern for something as silly as Daylight Saving Time.
I've really got to learn to be less negative....perhaps I should spend some time in Hawaii and least I won't have to worry about resetting my watch. Oh yeah, I forgot....I don't wear a watch so f..k it.
There I go.....being negative. Oh well, tomorrow there will be plenty of sunshine to brighten my mood. I keep forgetting that sunshine is a good thing. Talk about taking something for granted.
It's another tale for another day.....but I'm a human being that believes the Earth has a consciousness and therefore along with that belief comes the understanding that the Sun MIGHT have something resembling a form of's a form that is very hard to understand because it's so damn hot. I feel the consciousness of the Earth exists because of the amount of living creatures that have existed during the life of the planet.....and without the Sun there would have never been anything resembling life on Earth. Talk about the ultimate Synergy.
But like I said that's a tale for another day.....but I bet my small previous paragraph made you forget about Hawaii and Arizona for a second and realize that individuals can create ideas and issues much much more "fantastically experimental" than Daylight Saving Time.
But remember.....SPRING FORWARD......FALL BACK.....
and don't forget that little tiny button on your automoblie clock....unless of course you have ON-STAR....which by the way just might be a name salute to The Sun....a sort of thank you....from General Motors.
And when ON-STAR converts their system to a full on recording studio for the car.....then cars will finally be the studio on wheels that they should have always been.
But that's still another story.
Enjoy your weekend....and all the extra sunshine.
Michael Timothy McAlevey
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