Thursday, December 28, 2006

Barry Bros and Ford Boys


And the Dodgers worse nightmare just took place. The Giants signed the other Barry….Zito…..18 million a year for seven years. Now they have the Barry/Barry show in San Francisco and most berries are very good for you. Tons of anti-oxidants…not to mention home run records and the nastiest breaking ball in the game. It was an unexpected signing because the Mets and the Yankees were rumored to be the final options.
This is not good news for the Dodgers, but then again….one Barry could be plucked from the vine by the courtroom and the other Barry could tear his rotary cuff and the Barry/Barry show could come to an abrupt ending. Not that I’m wishing them bad luck….it’s just baseball….and things happen. Of course there’s also the other side….Barry Zito could win 24 games and the Cy Young award….and the other Barry could hit 35 home runs and break Hank Aaron’s record and the Giants could win the pennant….and the World Series. And of course I could win the lottery and have two of my scripts made into movies and get my book published and win the Pulitzer….and have a monkey fly out of my ass…..

This morning I was going to write a fluffy column about Gerald Ford, before I saw a picture on the front page of the LA TIMES.
The picture shows President Ford in 1975 with two of his new appointees…. Donald Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary and Dick Cheney, Chief of Staff.

Take a moment to reflect………..

Take a few more moments………..

Although Gerald Ford might have easily been the best choice to replace his boss…the simple fact of the matter is…..Gerald Ford’s boss is Gerald Ford’s legacy…and I just don’t feel like thinking about Richard Nixon….so therefore it’s almost impossible to write a column about Gerald Ford. Suffice to say….he was a nice guy…a good husband and he loved to play golf. I wonder when he played his last round and I wonder what he shot? Did he beat his age?
But that picture just sticks somewhere deep…Rumsfeld and Cheney? Gerald Ford brought Rumsfeld and Cheney into the political arena? It makes Gerald Ford’s legacy a real question mark.
It will take awhile to sort out just how negative, or positive, those two appointees will prove to be to the overall historical development of the United States of America. Keep in mind….we are young…we are still formulating how to operate a democracy within the structure of a technological revolution. We made it through colonialization( it should be a word) and through industrialization and now we are testing the waters on techno and science….technosciencelization.

Rumsfeld and Cheney? I’m wondering if that bastion of liberalness, THE LA TIMES, ran that photograph just to piss some of us… Of course some of the LA TIMES readers looked at that picture and thought….”how quaint…I had forgotten those two great Americans were part of the Ford team.”

Those of us, who don’t regard those two as great Americans, saw the picture and were somewhat surprised. Those of us, who were just happy to get rid of Tricky Dick, might not have been paying close enough attention to the bodies chosen to replace the departed team. But seriously….who would have thunk?
30 years later those two guys are still front and center. I know Rumsfeld’s gone but his policies are still…very much intact. And Cheney…hell, everybody says he’s the actual President.
30 years later and we have Gerald Ford to thank.
Well…thank you Gerald and may your soul rest in peace
while the rest of our souls…….
stand in war.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

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