I'VE NEVER CONNECTED the three topics together but it seems so obvious that I find it almost impossible to believe that I hadn't previously made the connection.
THE FACTS ARE right there.
WHEN DEATH VISITS Heaven suddenly becomes the only answer that makes any sense, especially for those who have been indoctrinated within a Christian religionists environment and of course for the young.
While spending the last 30 years interested in Quantum Physics and translating my interest into my artwork and writing, I've come across some amazing theories. The truth about theories is that almost anyone can have one. It helps to have a valid theory in the quantum mechanic world IF one possesses an advanced understanding of math. Apparently Einstein wasn't a great mathematician but that didn't hinder his ability to create equations.
In doing some research into the theory of time-travel I have come to the conclusion (not the first one, to be sure) that traveling back and forth in time simply can't be possible because of the speed with which we are moving through the Universe. The Earth is traveling about 67,000 MPH and the Solar System is going about 450,000 MPH....which means that if you wanted to travel back to 1938 to eliminate Hitler you would miss the physical location by millions and millions and millions of miles.
Of course the perplexity of TIME has helped to create infinite theories and opinions both realistic and science fictional....and along with GRAVITY have helped to humble the human brain that always seeks precise answers to the mysteries of the Universe.
For years I've stated that the "mysteries of the the universe will always far outnumber the known realities" but great minds of scientific exploration don't adhere to that "artistic" concept.
A NEW AWARENESS that I recently experienced is that Heaven and Parallel Universes have the same cathartic possibilities when dealing with the death of a loved one.
Parallel Universes exist.
AND IF THEY EXIST THEY PERHAPS EXIST IN MULTIPLES which means the person you lost in this universe is very much alive in another OR in multiple others.
There are some very serious scientific minds that believe in Parallel Universes.
When I stop and consider that maybe Sean Maximilian McAlevey, who left this Universe in 1994 is actually living in another Universe, or maybe multiple Universes, it makes me smile. It also makes me think that the Creator of the Universe, when creating souls, was engaged beyond our wildest imaginations.
Previously I only relied on Heaven to generate a warm feeling regarding the people I've lost.
The human species has always underestimated what a Creator of the Universe is capable of....and creating Parallel Universes almost makes more sense than creating a Heaven.
But make no mistake, explaining Heaven to a 5 year old is much easier than explaining Parallel Universes.
But for those of you who have reached a mental maturity level......Parallel Universes might be what you've been looking for.
It strangely makes as much sense as any other theory about what happens when we exit this physical reality.