I would summarize the last few years as ODD but in no way possible could that family be anything but
bat shit crazy.
I'm getting very concerned that there's something in the water or maybe those conspiracy people are right about the Chem-trails.
The "mom" in Perris couldn't figure out why authorizes would come to her door.
The EPA allowing DOW to continue spraying nerve gas on our food.
The President of the United States expressing every thought he gets on Twitter.
A guy pushing the wrong button on a drill and making everyone in Hawaii think they were being annihilated.
The doctor for the female USA Olympic Gymnastic team. I can't even imagine how this went on for year after year after year.
Normally I'm very excited about the beginning of the Olympics but the location makes me very nervous.
I saw some pictures the other day of the area and first thought was.....where's the snow....and my second thought was how many of the 33,686 US soldiers lost their lives in those mountains.
They announced the other day that a North Korean team was being allowed to participate. I think one of the bobsled guys is Kim Jong Un.......(not capitalized normally but that's just the way I roll....deal with it)
I realize this is well off of point but it appears that the entire USC football roster is declaring for the NFL draft.
How about a slight change of pace......
And then there's another shift in style
Which actually happens to be the song I would select if asked to sing my favorite song for entrance to the pearly gates.
And then once I got inside I would crank it up a bit.
So let's interview the neighbors of those Perris people and then the grandparents, who apparently knew what was happening, and really figure out who is the oddest of them all.
I did hear a rumor that the Inland Empire, where Perris is located, supported Trump at about 70 percent.
Go figure.
Probably not so much......more like the sign
Michael Timothy McAlevey