Monday, February 13, 2017

Language, speaking and writing and then there's that guy in the White House

I started Mind Jazz in December of 2006 thanks to a columnist, Jack Neworth, who writes Laughing Matters every Friday for the Santa Monica Daily Press, a local paper.  If you have to ask where that local paper is located then I'm fairly certain you shouldn't continue reading this piece because confusion and chaos is already extremely present in your life on this lovely Monday morning....which just happens to be the first normal weather morning we've had in at least 30 days.  I never remember a longer cold period and yet I feel silly talking about cold when I know that 45 and 50 degrees isn't really cold....but again the term IT'S ALL RELATIVE applies directly to this weather observation.  A very large number of Southern California inhabitants experience a weather mood state and that state is called....spoiled.

THAT WAS AN EXAMPLE OF BOTH STYLE AND CONTENT THAT EXISTS QUITE OFTEN IN A MIND JAZZ PIECE.  ADDING A TOUCH OF SARCASM AND HUMOR DOESN'T TAKE A LOT OF EXTRA EFFORT. Whether it is good sarcasm or humor rests entirely in your mind.  I have no idea what you are thinking about....but I do appreciate the fact that you are reading this.

By the way CAPITAL LETTERS do not indicate yelling.  BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS DO!
Non-bold capital letters only indicate the stressing of a point or just good old fashion nonsense.

I receive very few comments about Mind Jazz and since I've written over 1250 articles in the last 11 years and like I just said I truly have no idea how this blog rates in the mind of those who read it.  I occasionally look at the stats and acknowledge that people do open the page....whether or not they actually read past the first sentence is any one's guess....and that might have something to do with my punctuation style or lack of punctuation etiquette.  I take liberties when putting t h e s e letters o n t h e p a g e....or should I say that my fingers take the liberties because in truth I usually don't know what I writing until after it's been written and then quite often I'm amazing that any of it makes sense.  I have accepted the reality that I do look at issues a bit differently than the average person....and since everyone has a chance to rise above the designation of average then there is the possibility sometime in the future I will only be writing for the above average person.  From what I've been able to ascertain YOU are way above that particular brand of human being so when I write something profound or witty.....technically I'm writing it for you.

Without feedback and comments the truth is I might be only one of three people that think anything I do...makes sense.  I'm quite confident in those other two people and less confident in myself which is probably the result of having been belittled by Sister Mary Margaret in my eight years of grade school.
( I've said this before....every nun is Sister Mary Margaret in my mind)

Got to blame someone....and nuns are the perfect scapegoat. 

I use different punctuation marks and sometimes I use zero punctuation marks.  I use ellipses but add extra .'s because that's something I've always done and I have papers from college that are filled with red indications that my use of .......'s is flat out wrong.  A few teachers even indicated that they won't grade the paper because....well, extra ......'s just bothered the s**t out of them and that I was incapable of writing correctly and therefore I should think about working as a ski lift operator.
I just assumed that my English teacher at the time really enjoyed skiing. It wasn't until a few years later when I went skiing that I actually realized he was insulting me.  When I decided to apply for that position they said I would be better off working in the bar area.  It wasn't until later while working in the bar area that I once again realized I was being insulted.

Writing that last paragraph in italics is also something I've done for a very long time....but when younger I only italicized certain words and then as I matured I started initializing certain phrases and then advanced to entire sentences and then found myself doing entire paragraphs which is how this paragraph started so since we are both back here right now...let's move along.

Sidebar:  I've noticed a new sense of freedom and rule breaking with fiction writers over the last few years and this quote by Cormac McCarthy seems to fit my brand or style or whatever it is that I do.

 James Joyce is a good model for punctuation. He keeps it to an absolute minimum. There’s no reason to blot the page up with weird little marks. I mean, if you write properly you shouldn’t have to punctuate.

I would never ever never ever never ever ever put my style in the same sentence with either of those writers.  What I do is what I do and that's all I can do. 

When it comes to the speaking part of this piece you need not worry about me at the present time vocalizing and or reading Mind Jazz.  I do hope to start making podcasts of my work but I'm waiting for radio to become a bit more advanced.  Hopefully within 6 months I can figure out how to simply push a button and you can either read or listen.  It's probably already available but I'm mired in a older Microsoft OS so until something breaks....this is it and it is what it is.

The main thing I wanted to mention about speaking is that since the advent of electronic communication in the early 20th Century we have never had anyone in the White House so inept at the art of speaking.


And yes that is yelling.

Perhaps I'm using the word almost because I simply can't believe what I'm hearing when HE talks.  HE doesn't finish sentences and his syntax is so goofy that I really believe he takes some medication and that we will eventually learn that he has suffered from ADD since childhood.  And if that's true than his success story is really off the charts.  We all know that ADD and OCD and all of those other acronym dealio's are treatable and many successful people have learned to overcome any of the drawbacks that are associated with those problems.

If he doesn't have ADD then something else might be going 5 galleons of coffee on a daily basis or an abundance of Cokes or Pepsi.  Could it just be nervous energy?  Maybe he's just shy and has learned to overcompensate by charging forward on even the smallest silliest insignificant matters.  I just get concerned how he will response to BIG SERIOUS MATTERS.


It's a difference maker when it comes to international conflicts, whether they be military or economic.

The guy who wrote his book ART of the DEAL has pretty much disappeared from the scene. I think we need to get that gentleman on Fox News ASAP.  I know The Donald had a cease and desist order filed when the guy started talking during the campaign.

WAIT RIGHT HERE AND I'LL FIND HIS won't even seem like I'm gone.

Tony Schwartz  Art of the Deal

Somehow the muzzle must be removed and this guy needs to spend a few consecutive weeks on the Bill Maher show.  In fact every talk show in America should chip in and pay whatever the penalty is and get this him on the air.


Before anything really serious happens to our country.

Michael Timothy McAlevey

Sunday, February 5, 2017

MUST WATCH and talk about and share and so on and so forth......

COPY AND PASTE and then spend some time on his site.


Also available on YouTube